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Space Application Marketplace

Development Platform: Unity3D

Team Size: 2 to 5 

Development Time: February 2023 (Joined May 2023) to Present

A storefront for Space Domain Awareness tools designed to revolutionize how companies connect with Department of Defense customers Integrated into Saber's Space Cockpit tool, SAM consolidates innovation across the space industry into one seamlessly designed tool.

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Team Composition: Designer, Engineers

Role: Project Lead and Designer

Platform: WebGL on secure military networks

About the Project

     The Space Application Marketplace (SAM) is a storefront for Space Domain Awareness tools designed to revolutionize how companies connect with Department of Defense (DoD) customers. SAM consolidates innovation across the space industry into one seamlessly designed tool. Available in Saber's Space Cockpit, SAM bridges the infamous "Valley of Death" in DoD software development. It leverages Space Cockpit's security accreditations, allowing companies to deploy to high-side networks and speeding up the delivery of technology to advance the warfighter's capabilities.

     With Space Cockpit designed to be an advanced yet easy-to-use SDA tool, applications available in SAM are designed with usability in mind.

Project Contributions

Role: Project Lead and Designer



  • Develop project plans and break them into workable tasks

  • Coordinate with developers and subject matter experts to ensure the project stays on track and the team is working towards the same goal

  • Design user workflows and interfaces for the application integration into Space Cockpit

  • Program and test new features

  • Connect with innovative companies through established customer outreach channels

  • Liaise with primary customers and stakeholders to provide updates on the project’s progress and prioritize upcoming features

  • Write progress reports

  • Create and maintain documentation

  • Create marketing materials and training videos

  • Demo to military customers around the world

  • Planned and ran a hybrid 2-day User Workshop with over 20 participants from around the world

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Claire Yeash

Project Manager

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